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Quantum Behaviour - Who Are We & What Do We Do?

Jessica Ryan

Hello! My name is Jessica Ryan, and I am the Director, and Founder of Quantum Behaviour. I am an accredited Social Worker and experienced Specialist Behaviour Support Practitioner. After many years practicing in the realm of Child Protection and the Disability Services sector - specialising in Autism, Developmental Trauma, and Complex Behaviours, I founded Quantum Behaviour. I founded the business with the intention of providing holistic services that are individualised, and truly meet the needs of those I support, their families, and their wider support networks.

Quantum Behaviour is a registered NDIS Provider and provides Therapeutic Supports and Specialist Behaviour Support to Participants of the National Insurance Disability Scheme (NDIS). That’s great – but what does that mean?

Therapeutic Supports

Therapeutic Supports is a broad term that covers several supports and services however the primary goal of Therapeutic Supports is to help people improve their functional skills, daily living skills, and independent living skills. Therapeutic Supports can help people communicate with those around them, develop their social skills, and support people participate in their community in a way that will improve their quality of life. Quantum Behaviour offers several programs under Therapeutic Supports including

  • 1:1 Therapy (psychotherapy)

  • Curriculum-Based Emotional Regulation Programs

  • Curriculum-Based Social Skills Development Programs

Specialist Behaviour Support

Specialist Behaviour Support is specialist intervention by a qualified, trained, and skilled Specialist Behaviour Support Practitioner. The goal of Specialist Behaviour Support is to improve personal and interpersonal skills by reducing challenging behaviours that prevent a person being able to build strong, positive, and trust-based relationships.

Some behaviours that we commonly see include:

  • Verbal Aggression

  • Physical Aggression

  • Fixating Behaviours

  • Sexualised Behaviours

  • Self-Harming Behaviours

  • Plus many more!

Behaviours can be challenging, and the impact of harmful behaviours can be detrimental to a person’s ability to access education, participate in their community, and build positive, trust-based relationships with others. The goal of Behaviour Support is reduce behaviours of concern by:

  • Teaching healthy coping skills

  • Teaching alternative behaviours that people can use instead of harmful behaviours

  • Reducing triggers in the person’s environment

  • Supporting those who love and care for a person change the environment to make it more supportive for the person and their specific needs.

Until next week!

If you have any questions about anything contained in this post, or previous posts, please feel free to reach out to me! Jessica Ryan PH: 0499 237 466 E:

Stay in Touch

Social Care Connect Pty Ltd

T/A Quantum Behaviour

ACN:  65 6630 858

Parkes, NSW 2870


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Quantum Behaviour - Registered NDIS Provider - Parkes, Frobes, Orange and Dubbo NSW
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